Catherine Fife MPP, Waterloo

Government of Ontario

Adjust the Ontario Health Premium for Seniors

Download a copy of this petition here

Read an open letter MPP Fife and MPP Pasma sent to Minister Jones on this issue here

Adjust the Ontario Health Premium for Seniors

To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario:

WHEREAS the government has failed to raise the threshold for the Ontario Health Premium from $20,000 since 2004.

WHEREAS the combined rate of Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement is now over $20,000, every single senior in Ontario whose income comes solely from OAS and GIS is paying $100 for the Ontario Health Premium.

WHEREAS seniors on fixed incomes are already struggling with the incredibly high costs of housing and groceries.

WHEREAS paying the Ontario Health Premium tax is putting an undue burden on seniors and low-income people on fixed incomes.

THEREFORE we the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:

  • Guarantee that the Ontario Health Premium threshold be raised to $30,854
  • Make it easier for seniors to pay for their groceries and living expenses without the burden of this tax
  • Adjust the tax threshold to reflect the rates of government funding for seniors and the national poverty line that has changed since 2004. · Ensure the government does not unduly tax seniors who are living well below the poverty line.