Catherine and her office are always looking for volunteers to collaborate with. You can join Catherine in the community to share what she has been working on and to hear what is most important to constituents. In addition you can work with her office to organize public events or develop and distribute petitions.
Please contact her office to join in the local community engagement. Call 519-725-3477 or Email [email protected].
To look at recent, open letters Catherine has sent on local issues, click here.
Please note that petitions submitted to the Ontario Legislative Assembly must meet a certain set of rules, including the following:
- All signatures must be original. They must be written directly on the petition.
- The petition must be written, typewritten, or printed. Emailed, faxed, photocopied, or online petitions are not allowed.
Signed petitions can be mailed to: Catherine Fife, MPP Waterloo, Rm 370 Main Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto, ON, M7A 1A5
Municipal Affairs and Housing
Affordable Housing in Ontario: immediately prioritize the repair of Ontario’s social housing stock, commit to building new affordable homes, crack down on housing speculators, and make rentals more affordable through rent controls and updated legislation.
Real Rent Control Now: pass Rent Stabilization legislation to establish: rent control that operates during and between tenancies, so a new tenant pays the same rent as a former tenant, with allowable annual rent increases calculated by the Government of Ontario and based on annual inflation; implement a public rent registry so tenants can find out what a former tenant paid in rent; ensure access to legal aid for tenants that want to contest an illegal rent hike; and implement stronger enforcement and tougher penalties for landlords who do not properly maintain a renters’ home.
Stop Bill 39: stop Bill 39 and tell the Ford government to stop all of its attacks on our democratic freedoms.
Health and Long-Term Care
Integrated Crisis Centre in Waterloo Region: direct the Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions to earmark funding for the Integrated Crisis Centre in Waterloo Region.
Mental Health Services in Ontario: Direct the Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions to earmark funding for dedicated training for staff providing mental health services with a focus on evidence-based, trauma-informed approaches, to review intake and discharge procedures to ensure consistency of care, and to provide funding for Alternative Destination Clincs in communities across Ontario.
Support the Till Death Do Us Part Act: Direct the Minister of Long-Term Care to pass Bill 21 and provide seniors with the right to live together as they age.
Support the Gender Affirming Health Care Act: petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to support MPP Kristyn Wong-Tam's Private Member’s Bill — The Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee Act to improve access to and coverage for gender affirming health care in Ontario.
Develop an Ontario Dementia Strategy: Call on the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to develop, commit, and fund a comprehensive Ontario Dementia Strategy.
Stop Ford's Health Care Privatization Plan: Ontarians should get health care based on need, not the size of their wallet.
Universal Pharmacare for all Ontarians: Necessary prescription medications shouldn't put Ontarians into debt, we need to develop a universal pharmacare plan.
Coverage Needed for Braces: Amend dental coverage under Healthy Smiles Ontario to include coverage for braces.
Provide OHIP coverage for prostate specific antigen testing: early detection of prostate cancer saves lives.
Create an Ontario Caregiver Support Benefit: The Ontario government pass Motion 94 to create an Ontario Caregiver Support Benefit (OCSB) that will provide a paid, direct financial benefit to unpaid caregivers in the province of Ontario.
Protect Farmland & Sustainable Growth in Waterloo Region: immediately pause all plans to expropriate and rezone lands in Wilmot Township, respect the regional planning processes, and prioritize environmentally conscious, sustainable development in Waterloo Region.
Protect the Greenbelt: The Greenbelt Grab isn't about housing — it's a blatant act of corruption, benefiting a select few at the expense of many.
Protect Water as a Public Good: Ontario must prioritize public ownership of water over corporate interests and fund the accessibility of free drinking water in public spaces.
Say No to Urban Sprawl in Waterloo Region: immediately stop all plans to force sprawl in Waterloo Region by reversing the recently announced changes to the Regional Official Plan amendment.
Address the Child Care Crisis in Ontario: Provide immediate and adequate operating funding to childcare centres to cover their costs and fund wage increases to keep and recruit staff; and Establish a robust capital funding program to facilitate the expansion of non-profit and public child care facilities to meet the need for high quality childcare.
Support Consent Awareness Week: Support the Consent Awareness Week Act and make Ontario a leader in making the places where we live, work, and learn safer for everybody.
Petition to improve air quality for our children: petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to require the Ministry of Education to begin to take action to improve air quality for our children by supporting and adopting the Improving Air Quality for Our Children Act, 2023.
Economic Development, Trade & Employment and Infrastructure
Expand AODA Service Animal Protection: Expand the AODA’s definition of a protected service animal, and empower the office of the Attorney General to provide ID cards for all protected guide and service animals/dogs.
Community and Social Services
Tell Ford to Double Social Assistance Rates: Petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to immediately double social assistance rates, so that people can live dignified, healthy lives.
Protect 2SLGBTQI+ Communities & Drag Artists: petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to support MPP Kristyn Wong-Tam's Private Member’s Bill — The Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee Act to improve access to and coverage for gender affirming health care in Ontario.
Support Ontario Families with Autism: Direct the Ontario government to invest in equitable, needs-based autism services for all children who need them.
Attorney General
Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors (Lydia’s Law): adopt Recommendations 1 and 3 of the Auditor General’s 2019 Annual Report; and to make the Independent Legal Advice program more accessible to survivors; and to review the Victim Quick Response Program to ensure it is meeting its mandate.
All day two-way (including weekend) GO trains for Waterloo Region: petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to provide a firm funding commitment and a clear timeline for the delivery of frequent, all-day, two-way GO rail service along the full length of the vital Kitchener GO corridor.
Join the Fight for 10 Permanent Paid Sick Days: Workers need 10 permanent, employer-paid sick days each year so they can stay home when they are sick or are caring for a sick child, giving them time to recover and protecting co-workers and customers from getting sick too.
Open Letters
Read recent open letters sent by MPP Catherine Fife.
January 5, 2024: Medical Interpretation Services in Waterloo Region