Catherine Fife MPP, Waterloo

Government of Ontario

Latest news

May 18, 2016

When Will This Liberal Government Put the Needs of Ontarians first?

May 16, 2016

Why are Liberals Limiting Public Interest Ads, but Not Partisan Government Ads?

May 12, 2016

Petition: Nurses Know – Petition for Better Care

May 11, 2016

STATEMENT: Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth Gives Youth With Disabilities A Voice

May 5, 2016

Premier Wynne Defends her ‘Man-Splaining’ Energy Minister’s Casual Sexism

QUEEN’S PARK — Ontario NDP MPP Catherine Fife called on Premier Wynne to ask her minister to resign following his comments in the legislature yesterday comparing the leader of Ontario’s New Democra... More
May 3, 2016

Premier Wynne Must Demand Resignation of Minister Behind Disastrous SAMS Fiasco

QUEEN’S PARK — NDP MPP Catherine Fife called on Premier Wynne to both admit she failed vulnerable citizens and front-line workers across the province, and demand the resignation of her Minister for... More