Catherine Fife MPP, Waterloo

Government of Ontario

Latest news

November 23, 2016

High Hydro Costs are Hurting Waterloo Charities and Non-Profits

November 22, 2016

What “Alternative Financing Structures” Does the Premier Have in Mind for eHealth?

November 14, 2016


The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will meet to conduct Pre-Budget Consultations. More
November 3, 2016

Why Does the Premier Think the Rules Only Apply to Some People, and Not All?

November 3, 2016

Statement by MPP Catherine Fife, Regarding the Financial Accountability Office’s Fall 2016 update

QUEEN’S PARK — “Today, Ontarians learned that the Premier’s self-serving attempt to plug a deficit hole before the election with one-time Hydro One cash, that absolutely no one in the province vote... More
November 2, 2016

Are the Allegations Reported in the Sudbury Star Regarding Mr. Thibeault’s Candidacy True?

November 1, 2016

Statement on Hockey Helps the Homeless

October 31, 2016

Will All 73 Electronic Health Assets be Subject to Privatization?

October 28, 2016

Kitchener-Waterloo Community Blood Donor Clinic

Every minute of the day, someone in Canada needs blood. The holidays are a time of especially high need, and low donation rates, for Canadian Blood Services. More